Friday, February 22, 2013

Review: Green Flash Palate Wrecker

Green Flash Palate Wrecker
9.5% ABV
Green Flash Brewing Co., San Diego, CA
12 oz bottle
Served in Duvel Tulip Glass
Date notched on bottle: Brewed on 2/5/13
Reviewed on 2/17/13


Pours an almost clear golden amber color with a good frothy slightly off-white head.  Quite good lacing and head retention.  Plentiful carbonation evident.

Smell consists of hops, citrus (particularly apricot and grapefruit), pine, rye, some malt, some breadiness, some spice.  Strong dry and bitter hops are what hit you right at the onset.

Taste consists of strong bitter hops, pine, citrus particularly apricot and grapefruit and perhaps a lemony touch, rye, some alcohol, some malt, strong dryness.

Mouthfeel is earthy with a good grainy texture.  Strong bitterness and dryness overwhelm the palate in a good way.

Overall, one of my favorites, reviewed fresh for a new release, and it still does not disappoint. This is a bold tasting, super hoppy IPA that's well deserving of its name as it overwhelms the palate (with the name, you can't say you weren't warned).  Crisp and fresh tasting (drinking this one 12 days after its bottling date), with pine, citrus, malt, and even rye notes coming through amidst super hoppiness.  Definitely one for the hophead, and, for my money, one of the better imperial IPAs available.  Currently, number six on my top ten list.

My score: 97

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