Friday, April 19, 2013

Review: 21st Amendment Marooned on Hog Island Oyster Stout

21st Amendment Marooned on Hog Island Oyster Stout
7.9% ABV
21st Amendment Brewing Co., San Francisco, CA
12 oz can
Served in Duvel tulip glass 
Date on can: 11/19/12
Reviewed on 3/29/13

This stout pours a dark brown color with a decent toasty beige head that has decent retention.  Decent lacing as well.

Smell consists of malt, milk chocolate, coffee, caramel, mild hops, cream, mild sugar.

Taste consists of coffee, chocolate, malt, caramel, mild salt, mild hops, some oatmeal.

Mouthfeel has good strands of dryness and bitterness on the palate.  Creamy and fairly smooth.

Overall, this is a nice tasting oyster stout that has good notes of coffee and chocolate and decently balanced in dryness and bitterness.  It has some notes of oyster and some saltiness to it, and some hints of oatmeal as well.  This one was purchased at a great discount, and for the taste it's a steal.  My first stab at a 21st Amendment beer.  So far, so good.

My score: 90

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