Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Review: Moab Desert Select Ale

Moab Desert Select Ale
8.59% ABV
Moab Brewery, Moab, UT
32.8 oz ceramic swing top bottle
Served in Duvel tulip glass
No date on bottle
Reviewed on 3/28/13

This black imperial IPA pours a fairly dark color with a thick and frothy light beige head that has quite good retention.

Smell consists of hops, malt, some citrus, spice, floral, herbal, pepper, some chocolate, rye, some bread.

Taste consists of hops, malt, coffee, chocolate, rye, bread, pepper, floral and herbal notes, slight soy sauce.

Mouthfeel as some good dryness and bitterness right at the front.  Fairly smooth and even on the palate.

Overall, this is a nice tasting black imperial IPA that has a nice flavorful profile that has shades of Heavy Seas Black Cannon and even Firestone Walker Wookey Jack. Fairly hoppy, malty with chocolate and coffee flavors, and distinctive rye and floral/herbal notes.  A nice find at Shab Row Bistro in Frederick, Maryland.  A huge bottle and somewhat pricey, but from a brewery that I haven't seen available elsewhere (so I couldn't pass it up).  The reviews online are so-so (what review there are--it's pretty much unreviewed), but I found it to be quite nice.

My score: 90

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