Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
ABV: 7.2%
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., Chico, CA
12 oz bottle
Served in Dogfish Head Signature Glass
Reviewed on 8/18/12
This IPA pours an amber/gold with a slight haziness. Good white head that keeps some retention. Decent lacing.
Smell consists of hops, grapefruit, citrus, some pine, slight malt, slight spice, hint of vanilla.
Taste has hops with good medium bitterness. Citrus and pine notes as well as malt that is somewhat muted with a strand of spice.
Mouthfeel is smooth with a good earthy graininess. Nice dryness comes through once the beer comes up to temperature. Good balance of flavors.
Overall, this is a tasty, hoppy IPA with good bitterness and dryness. Solid though not palate-overwhelming flavors. For the price, you can't beat what you get with this IPA. Actually, it's hard to believe that such a good tasting IPA can be so inexpensive.
Score: 92
12 oz bottle
Served in Dogfish Head Signature Glass
Reviewed on 8/18/12
This IPA pours an amber/gold with a slight haziness. Good white head that keeps some retention. Decent lacing.
Smell consists of hops, grapefruit, citrus, some pine, slight malt, slight spice, hint of vanilla.
Taste has hops with good medium bitterness. Citrus and pine notes as well as malt that is somewhat muted with a strand of spice.
Mouthfeel is smooth with a good earthy graininess. Nice dryness comes through once the beer comes up to temperature. Good balance of flavors.
Overall, this is a tasty, hoppy IPA with good bitterness and dryness. Solid though not palate-overwhelming flavors. For the price, you can't beat what you get with this IPA. Actually, it's hard to believe that such a good tasting IPA can be so inexpensive.
Score: 92
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