Thursday, June 6, 2013

Review: Boulevard Rye-on-Rye

Boulevard Rye-on-Rye
12.0% ABV
Boulevard Brewing Co., Kansas City, MO
25.4 oz btl
Served in Duvel tulip glass
Date on bottle: Best by 11/2014 (Batch #2013-1)
Reviewed on 5/25/13

This rye ale pours a hazy brownish amber color with a thick bubbly ivory-colored head that has great retention.  Lively with evident carbonation.

Smell consists of hops, rye, yeast, malt, alcohol, breadiness, floral and herbal notes.

Taste has rye, hops, malt, spice, some alcohol, some caramel, hints of whiskey, milder than expected alcohol.

Mouthfeel is fairly smooth on the palate with some graininess.  Somewhat dry, somewhat bitter--fairly balanced between both.

Overall, this rye ale is decently flavored with less of an alcohol bite than to be expected from the ABV.  Good rye taste with a nice amount of hops and malt coming through along with caramel and some spice.  Fairly muted, and almost mellow, making it a bit dangerous given the relatively high ABV.  This one is almost like a barleywine in its flavor as it comes up to temperature.

My score: 92

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