Friday, August 9, 2013

Review: Southern Tier Creme Brulee

Southern Tier Creme Brulee
9.6% ABV
Southern Tier Brewing Co., Lakewood, NY
22 oz btl
Served in Duvel tulip glass
No date on bottle
Reviewed on 7/28/13

This imperial stout pours a dark brown color with a bubbly beige head that dissipates quickly.  Good lacing.

Smell consists of caramel, malt, vanilla, some chocolate, faint hops, alcohol, sugar. 

Taste consists of caramel, vanilla, some coffee, mild hops, alcohol, brown sugar, syrup, dark chocolate, slight burnt tobacco.

Mouthfeel has good bitterness and some dryness on the palate.  Somewhat creamy and bursting with flavor on the tongue.

Overall, this is a tasty imperial stout full of a unique set of flavors.  This is much like a liquid dessert, with a blast of caramel and other flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, coffee, and sugar coming through in abundance.  The essential flaw in this beer is that it's a stout that doesn't really taste like a stout, as the malt and hops flavors recede into the background.  Still, it's fairly tasty and like having dessert in a glass.  Quite rich.

My score: 91

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