Thursday, November 21, 2013

Review: Cigar City Jai Alai IPA

Cigar City Jai Alai IPA
7.5% ABV
Cigar City Brewing,Tampa, FL
12 oz can
Served in a standard mini tumbler
Date on can: Canned on 10/15/13
Reviewed on 11/8/13

This IPA pours a light amber color with a thin white head that quickly dissipates. Mild carbonation present. Mild lacing.

Smell consists of hops, grapefruit, orange-like citrus, some malt, slight spice, fresh flowers.

Taste has decently strong bitter hops, varied citrus flavors including grapefruit, orange, and a touch of apricot, slight dry champagne, peppery spice.

Mouthfeel is quite dry and bitter on the palate.  The hoppiness blasts the palate fairly well in true IPA fashion.

Overall, this is a quite dry and bitter IPA that's strong on the hops and citrus.  I was on vacation when reviewing this one, so I had to make do with the all-purpose tumbler found in the resort suite for glassware. The tumbler somehow works surprisingly well as a tasting vessel for this beer--perhaps the beer is so strong in flavor the drinking glass is irrelevant.  This is a solid IPA that has a strong citrus component to go with the hoppiness.  It doesn't balance out but instead provides intensity.  Some peppery spice and fresh flowers provide good accents as well.

My score: 92

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