Thursday, January 30, 2014

Review: Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Barleywine

Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Barleywine
12.1% ABV
Goose Island Beer Co., Chicago, IL
32 oz growler
Served in Burley Oak tulip glass
Growler filled on 12/14/13
Reviewed on 12/14/13

This barleywine pours a deep amberish brown color with a thin beige head that quickly dissipates. Good lacing.

Smell consists of cherry, dark fruit, malt, oak, honey, whiskey, some caramel, raisin, touch of hops, alcohol, slight soy.

Taste has cherry, malt, dark fruit, vanilla, honey, oak, whiskey, alcohol, raisin, chocolate, touch of hops.

Mouthfeel is creamy and velvety on the palate--uncharacteristic of a barleywine. Some muted bitterness.

Overall, this is an excellent tasting barleywine that's full of flavor and has a velvety stout-like feel on the palate. Cherry, oak, and whiskey flavors hit the nose and palate immediately, with honey, vanilla, and even chocolate emerging as well.  As it warms up, more flavors emerge, and each taste seems to differ from the previous one. The big surprise here is how this comes across on the palate.  It's thick and velvety, quite uncharacteristic of a barleywine, giving it definite uniqueness in the style.

My score: 99

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