5.9% ABV
Elysian Brewing Company, Seattle, WA
12 oz btl
Served in Dogfish Head signature glass
No date on bottle
No date on bottle
Reviewed on 9/24/13
This pumpkin ale pours a medium to dark amber color with a thin white head that quickly dissipates. Moderate lacing.
Smell consists of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, malt, clove, brown sugar.
Taste has pumpkin, malt, slight hops, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, brown sugar, slight candy.
Mouthfeel is fairly smooth on the palate with some good sugary-like texture. Mild bitterness.
Overall, this is a decent tasting pumpkin ale that's fairly full of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove flavors. It's fairly sugary on the palate, but it doesn't come across as being cloying. It's not overly complex, but does well with what it has and is refreshing to drink.
My score: 90
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