Stone 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA
9.5% ABV
9.5% ABV
The Stone Brewing Co., Escondido, San Diego County,CA
22 oz btl
Served in Duvel tulip glass
Date on bottle: Bottled on 7/26/13
Date on bottle: Bottled on 7/26/13
Reviewed on 10/19/13
This IPA pours a hazy amberish gold color with a frothy bubbly white head. Decent lacing.
Smell consists of hops, citrus, spice, floral notes, slight malt, faint berry. On the nose, it's fairly unassuming.
Taste has hops, grapefruit, touch of bitter lemon, slight malt, wheat, rye bread.
Mouthfeel is quite dry on the palate, though not quite an IPA kind of dry as wheat/bread flavors emerge.
Overall, this is a dry, bready IPA that's sort of a mix of a India pale ale and some thing maltier such as an Oktoberfest beer. The aroma on the nose is there but faint--it took consistent sniffing to get scents to register. Much more is revealed on the palate, as hop and breadier flavors are revealed. It's an interesting mix, even if it's a bit disjointed.
My score: 88
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